Saturday 2 February 2013

Liebster Award

So, as you have probably guessed by the title I was nominated for the Liebster award. This is a little award that is flitting around the blogosphere and i was nominated by the lovely Abbie from FrillySocksAndSkulls.

So here goes...

The rules
- State 11 random facts about yourself.
- Answer 11 questions (made by the person that nominated you).
- Nominate 11 new blogs (with under 200 followers) and ask them 11 questions.

My facts
1. I have a guinea pig called Sherry. I used to have two but one got attacked by a cat and died.
2. I play the flute, piano and a little bit of oboe at a push.
3. I still haven't taken down my Christmas tree.
4. I was born up a mountain in China.
5. I speak English(obviously) French and Chinese Mandarin.
6. I am an enormous Harry Potter fan, so much so that i have the audio books on my iPod.
7. I love Topshop and Urban outfitters.
8. I live near Birmingham and I love going shopping in the Bullring and the Rag Market.
9. I am an Altar Server and I go to church every week.
10. I currently doing Gcse's and the subjects I chose to do are: History, Geography, Art, Chinese and French.
11. I love mangoes.

Abbie's Questions
1. What is your favourite blog to read?
I love Arabella, she always makes me smile and her style is amazing!
2. What is your favourite quality about yourself? 
I quite like my sense of humour. I think people prefer me when they get to know me.
3. Which season do you like the best?
Can't choose! I keep typing them in then changing my mind.
4. What's your guilty pleasure? 
The Sound Of Music:) or any good musical.
5. What is one (or a few) of your favourite films?
 Some of my favourite films include, Forrest Gump, Lion King, Anastasia, Shawshank Redemption  Little Miss Sunshine, The Breakfast Club.
6. What are some of your biggest pet peeves?
I have to many to list! People who talk in the cinema, attention seeking people, generally rude people, when someone dips their finger in my Vaseline and makes a huge dent... the list goes on.
7. On average, how many hours do you spend on the Internet a day? :O haha.
Too many.
8. Who is your biggest style/fashion inspiration?
Love Kayla Hadlington, Erika Bowes, Olivia Buck, Fearne Cotton, SunbeamsJess, Gillian Zinser e.t.c...
9. What is your star sign? 
10. Favourite drink at Starbucks? (Or any other coffee shop)
At Costa in winter they bring out a black forest hot chocolate and it is to die for<3
11. What's your favourite thing to buy when shopping? E.g. makeup, clothing etc.
Clothes definately! I never buy myself make up. I just rely on what i get for my birthday and Christmas to see me through tbh.

My Questions
1.Flats or heels?
2.How many Perfumes do you own?
3.What is your favourite piece of clothing you own?
4.What is the most expensive fashion item you own?
5.Why did you start your Blog?
6.What is your favourite high street shop?
7.Are there any unique places to shop where you live that you would recommend?
8.Lipstick or Lip gloss?
9.Favourite bands/artists?
10.What is your job/ what do you want to be in the future?
11.Can you tell a joke haha:)

Blogs I Nominate

As you can see i had trouble finding 11 people that hadn't already done it so here's your lot! make you check out all of these blogs and if you wish to be nominated leave a comment below and I can add you in xx

Bye for now


  1. Great post! Thanks for the nomination lovely!
    Megan xxx

  2. Ahhh, Gillian Z has such awesome style.

    The Style Rawr!

  3. Congratulations on your award! :)
    UK High Street Fashion & Style
